VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Please sign up for a shift on Saturday 2-hour & 4-hour shifts available - or you can work all day! SIGN UP AT: www.unitedwayqc.org/nalc-food-drive
FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT Hosted by Iowa Labor Center (VIA ZOOM) May 17 & 18th 9am - 4pm (both days) Contact: 319-335-4144 OR https://bit.ly/LC_program_registration
FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT Hosted by Iowa Labor Center (VIA ZOOM) May 17 & 18th 9am - 4pm (both days) Contact: 319-335-4144 OR https://bit.ly/LC_program_registration
Memorial Ceremony National Cemetery - Arsenal Island 10:45am - try to get their sooner MUST HAVE: valid driver's license or State I.D. to enter Island Enter off River Drive in Moline